MOP Contracts and Data Collection Tendering

MOP Contracts and Data Collection Tendering

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Sourcing the right DC and MOP contracts will help you reduce your energy consumption and costs

Receiving accurate and timely data of energy usage enables us to better procure, monitor, reduce and manage your energy requirements. Luckily, for businesses that consume more than 100kW, half-hourly (HH) metering is mandatory and data can be remotely accessed on a daily basis by specialist Data Collectors (DC). Additional Meter Operator (MOP) contracts cover the supply of meters, their maintenance and the necessary telecommunications for sending consumption data to your chosen supplier.

Sourcing the right DC and MOP contracts will help you better understand how much energy you are using and when you are using it, so you can reduce consumption and costs. There are over 20 Meter Operators in the UK, all with varying levels of service delivery. Finding a more suitable agreement and combining many of your existing contracts will also make MOPs more manageable.

How Business Energies  can help

The Business Energies  team has completed a detailed and thorough tender with all major UK half-hourly (HH) Data Collectors. As a result, we can help you switch HH DC and source a more competitive contract. We're also well placed to find you a more suitable MOP contact we manage thousands of meters and have secured competitive prices for our clients.

Under the Balancing and Settlement Code P272, businesses with Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) meters in Profile Classes 05-08 will be switching to the half-hourly (HH) market by 1 April 2017. These organisations also need to select an HH MOP and HH DC to cover the additional service costs of meter alterations and maintenance and to record and collect HH data for billing. Business Energies  can help you secure these contracts early to ensure you are ready before the mandatory switch.

Data Collection Tendering service

We can fully manage the process to switch to an HH DC on your behalf that will allow you to benefit from timely, quality, daily data. Our chosen DC is highly experienced and has a pedigree in HH metering, managing tens of thousands of sites throughout the UK. Working alongside organisations of all shapes and sizes, they are renowned for delivering fast, accurate and competitively priced consumption data.

MOP Tendering service

We will review your current arrangements and, if possible, propose alternative options which may be beneficial. The more meters you have, the more likely our review will be able to help you save money.

Business Energies can offer:

  • Switching to Business Energies  MOP partner.
  • Ongoing MOP and energy data Management, including support with billing and queries.
  • MOP Contract Review.
  • MOP Contract Tender Management and Consolidation.

Business Energies has excellent working relationships with suppliers, Data Collectors, and MOPs so we’re well placed to chase any queries and check that your bills are accurate.

Why choose Business Energies ?

  • Our team will help you make the most of your HH MOP and DC contracts; with better data we can proactively identify issues, opportunities and propose cost-saving and efficiency solutions.
  • Obtaining data directly from the collector means you’re not waiting for your supplier to pass it on; this includes critical data for compliance schemes such as ESOS, CCA, CRC and EU ETS.
  • It can be time-consuming to manage multiple contracts; we’ll help consolidate your MOP agreements.
  • We could save you money on your DC fees and MOP contracts.
  • You'll have the potential to access new and insightful reports from the Business Energies team timely data means we can send this to you more quickly.

Your new quality data can be inputted into your monitoring and targeting software, so you can make changes to use energy more efficiently.

Find out more

Sourcing the right DC and MOP contracts will help you better understand how much energy you are using and when you are using it, so you can reduce consumption and costs. Get in touch today.

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