Energy Commodity Trading

Energy Commodity Trading

The benefits of our service have never been greater.

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A volatile energy market means that the benefits of switching between fixing prices in a rising market and floating prices in a falling market have never been greater.

The ability to monitor market movements and react to opportunities is becoming increasingly important for major energy users. Those with a flexible energy contract can take advantage of market rises and falls that will impact their bottom line.

How Business Energies can help

Our experienced Energy Commodity Traders can execute all fixing and re-floating transactions with your energy supplier. We will work with you to establish an Energy Risk Management (RM) Policy that our team will use to fully manage your position within pre-agreed risk limits. We offer three levels of service for Energy Commodity Trading Execution, depending on how much control you would like of the process. These are Fully Managed, Supported and Advisory. Business Energies works with you to develop a bespoke strategy based on your individual requirements.

1. Fully Managed

Business Energies will be authorised by you to make trading decisions and execute all fixing and re-floating transactions with your energy supplier independently of you, in accordance with your RM Policy. Trading is restricted to named Business Energies individuals. You will also benefit from the support of the Business Energies Risk Management helpdesk, who are able to respond swiftly to market conditions.

2. Support

We will agree all trades with you before completing any transactions. Business Energies will work with you to develop a risk management strategy to manage your flexible energy procurement. Your positions will be monitored using risk metrics to ensure that your position remains within pre-agreed risk limits. Our Energy Traders will discuss your positions with you and make recommendations.

3. Advisory

You will maintain full control of trading decisions and completing transactions with your energy supplier. Business Energies will provide regular market information and calls with our Energy Traders to provide advice on market conditions and opportunities to help you manage your positions. We will record details of your transactions and position for you and can check that all trades undertaken match supplier confirmations.

Why choose Business Energies ?

  • With a team of dedicated Energy Traders, we can manage your position on a real-time basis.
  • We can fully manage your position so you’re able to benefit from both market rises and falls.
  • We have the expertise to take control of your trading, saving you time, money and resources.

Our traders are supported by Business Energies  Market Intelligence Analysts who subscribe to live feeds for all trading platforms. These are consolidated into a custom built in-house position monitoring system so we can view all market movements. We also use a number of news feeds to forecast what prices will do based on global influences. All this data enables us to make informed and calculated decisions regarding your position.

Get in touch

A volatile energy market means that the benefits of switching between fixing prices in a rising market and floating prices in a falling market have never been greater.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.