Carbon Zero

Carbon Zero

You can make your business energy carbon neutral by carbon offsetting your business gas and electricity usage through Business Energies.

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Ever wanted to make your business carbon neutral? You can with Carbon Zero.

You can make your business carbon neutral by carbon offsetting your business gas and electricity usage with Carbon Zero. Energy and carbon management represent a new and fundamental challenge for business, and how companies respond to this challenge is fast becoming a strategic issue.

We are one the UK’s leading carbon offsetting emissions companies and will purchase carbon credits on your behalf, which will offset the carbon dioxide produced by the energy we manage for you.

The price of these credits will be bundled into the unit price for your energy, you'll be offsetting as you go rather than in one bill at the start or end of the year.

Carbon Zero is a business benefit

Businesses are under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and many have made public commitments to doing so. Carbon management services play a strategic role in helping businesses to achieve their carbon reduction targets, which now form part of many organisations’ reports to shareholders and other stakeholders.

Research by the Carbon Trust has shown that 70% of people want businesses to disclose their carbon emissions. 56% of people are now more concerned about the actions businesses are taking to reduce their impact on the environment than they were five years ago.

Reducing your carbon footprint and carbon offsetting

Carbon management planning projects and carbon offsetting go hand in hand with action to reduce your energy consumption. We’re experts in helping businesses find ways to reduce their energy consumption, and have a range of sustainable carbon products designed to help businesses control and reduce their energy spend:

  • Edd:e Energy Monitor
  • Energy Health Check
  • Energy Audit
  • Energy Solutions

Your business carbon footprint will shrink if you implement these products, but they’re not a complete fix. Get in touch to find out what else we can do for your business.

Get in touch

We can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Get in touch to find out how.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.