Metering Solutions

Smart Energy Metering Solutions

We aim to design and install a sub-metering solution that is right for your business considering the cost vs benefits.

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Metering Solutions

The Carbon Trust states that metering provides energy savings of 10%. For organisations with high energy consumption, sub-metering helps identify areas of inefficiency to enable end users to take action that can save a further 30% on their bills.
Sub-metering can also be used to educate staff and create behavioural changes that will enhance your business’ Corporate Social Responsibility profile. We can provide a mix of hardware and cloud-based software that delivers a market-leading sub-metering service.

How Business Energies can help

The art of effective sub-metering is to assess the building type and gain an understanding of the business operations and functions. We aim to design and install a sub-metering solution that is right for your business considering the cost vs benefits.

Sub-metering provides granular data on key activity areas within your business and across your sites. You can access data in real-time in standard 30 minute intervals, right down to 1 minute intervals depending on requirement. Data is viewed through our online software - WisfeLife SMART.DASH – dashboards and apps. You can then map, graph and profile sub-metering data alongside mains/AMR data and control strategies to truly identify opportunities for energy savings.
We connect to systems and equipment through a variety of meter types; we pick the right meter for the job.

Data is sent periodically off-site to central servers, allowing unlimited user access through the online software suite. Many meters from multiple sites can be viewed and analysed through a single cloud-based software platform.

Why choose Business Energies?

  • We can help you sub-meter:
    • key activity areas to identify whether you can reduce load and consumption to create energy and cost savings of up to 30%.
    • for legislative purposes such as Part L (of Building Regulations - conservation of fuel and power), CRC and CCL reporting.
    • to gain accreditation standards such as BREEAM and ISO.
  • Our technology enables you to build interactive reports that highlight where you can make improvements.
  • We’ll help engage your teams to be more energy efficient by setting targets and KPIs.
  • Business Energies will help you implement and use Internet of Things (IoT) BeMS and Control strategies to realise savings potential.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.