Energy Market Intelligence

Energy Market Intelligence

Our Market Intelligence service can help you make informed decisions about your energy contracts and how your business uses energy.

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With our energy Market Intelligence service, you can make energy management decisions with confidence

We’re only as good as the information we filter, distil and distribute – our reputation depends on it. The sharpest insight is crucial in today’s volatile markets, to ensure that our clients are aware of key market movements and ready to capitalise on every opportunity.

The Business Energies Market Intelligence team have extensive knowledge of the electricity, gas, water, oil, coal and carbon markets and the fundamentals driving them. Interpreting this information effectively is one of the most important aspects of energy management. We understand that regular Market Intelligence is a key component of a successful energy management strategy.

How Business Energies can help

We pride ourselves on the information we provide to our clients allowing them to make informed decisions relating to their energy contracts. Our reviews are varied and range from a Daily Energy Review to European Country specific report. By receiving regular market reviews, interpreted in an easy to digest format, Business Energies clients can be confident in the decisions they make relating to energy procurement and management.

You will also benefit from the support of our team of Market Intelligence Analysts. We are flexible in our approach, and can support you in areas such as long-term price forecasts and bespoke market reporting.

Our Market Intelligence service will provide you with:

  • A team of energy experts with over 30 years of combined experience in the industry interpreting key market drivers on a daily basis so you don’t have to.
  • Market Intelligence reviews delivered directly to you via email at a frequency that suits your organisation.
  • The option to view top line information or a detailed report within each review.
  • Support from our in-house team with any ad-hoc queries that may arise.
  • Any combination of our comprehensive reviews.

Our reports include:

  • Daily Energy Review – Produced every morning by our in-house team of Energy Market Analysts, this includes all the information you need to keep up-to-date with the gas, electricity, oil and carbon markets. The first page provides a concise snapshot of the UK energy markets, ideal for clients who need to understand at a glance, the day’s key price changes and the drivers behind them.
  • Weekly Energy Review - This provides a summary of the previous week’s market movements and the reasons behind them. The review covers gas, electricity, coal and carbon markets together with recent news and industry analysis.
  • Monthly Energy Review - An insightful overview of the gas, electricity, coal and carbon markets from our team of Energy Market Analysts. It contains a summary of the previous month’s developments, as well as potential price influences for the coming weeks. The review also includes a brief summary of the Irish Pool market along with comprehensive industry news and analysis.
  • Monthly European Review - An in-depth monthly report covering a host of energy markets including Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Iberia and Scandinavia. The report contains commentary on the electricity, gas, oil, carbon and coal markets and includes relevant news and industry analysis.
  • Monthly News Review - Provides you with a regulatory update of energy industry news. We trawl through numerous sources and articles to ensure you receive any major updates that could impact on your business.
  • European Country Specific Reports - The monthly European Country Specific Reports (for Ireland, France, and Germany) contain the most recent wholesale energy price information and regulatory updates for the Member State. The in-depth market analysis of prices and market fundamentals underlines the impact on business consumers, giving them the tools they need to secure competitive energy deals. The growing portfolio of country reports will also highlight the growing links between the Member States as Europe moves slowly towards a single energy market.
  • Triad Alerts - Business Energies will advise you if we believe there is a Triad risk. Our email will be sent daily before 11.00am. We will categorise the risks by low, medium and high so you can be sure of our advice. In addition to this, our report will include data for the next 14 days and the current threat associated with each day, providing you with the benefit of foresight. Our report will also indicate how we interpret the activity for the remainder of the Triad period.
  • Long-term Price Forecasting - An essential guide that can assist you when budgeting for your business. It details delivered pricing for the next 5 years and even demonstrates the growing proportion of non-commodity costs. To find out more download our fact sheet here.

Why choose Business Energies

Business Energies has an expert team of Market Intelligence Analysts interpreting the complex energy markets on your behalf.

The team will:

  • Provide you with market information that enables you to make informed decisions.
  • Track the market for you, to ease your burden.
  • Provide you with the latest updates so you have the most up to date knowledge.
  • Interpret the market information in a clear format to save you time.

Find out more

With Market Intelligence from Business Energies, you can make energy management decisions with confidence. Find out more.

Is your business affected by Triads?

Whether your business is impacted by Triads depends on your meter Profile Class and type of energy contract. Find out if you are affected.

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Triad Alerts

For organisations with Half-hourly metered sites, identifying the annual Triad periods is crucial.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.