Budget Forecasting

Budget Forecasting

Working to an energy budget but struggling to calculate it? We can help.

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Accurate budget forecasting

Energy budgets and energy price forecasts are challenging to calculate due to the various rates and charges required in order to build up a budget cost. At Business Energies, we are able to calculate budgets for each of your sites using historical consumption, your energy suppliers contract and published charges to ensure that these are as accurate as possible.

How Business Energiescan help

Business Energies has the expertise to assist with cost and consumption budget reporting. We create a monthly budget for each site calculated from your previous year’s consumption and your new contract rates. Our team also provides you with a report detailing your performance against budget, both financial and consumption on a monthly and cumulative year to date basis. Bespoke reporting based on specific parameters can also be produced or alternatively your own budgets can be incorporated into our reporting.

A complementary service to gas, electricity and energy price forecast and Budget Forecasting is our Accruals Reporting. The Data Solutions Analysts calculate the consumption for the period for each site using a portion of actual consumption and an estimate for the remaining part of the period. Costs are calculated using the current contracted charges (the rates agreed within the contract e.g. unit rates, standing charge, flexible charging etc) and published charges (charges set at a national level such as DUoS charges, water rates, Climate Charge Levy etc) and rates applied to the consumption calculated for that month. We are also able to adopt the Accruals calculation methodology that your company may use internally if required.

Why choose Business Energies?

Our Data Solutions team has over 68 years combined experience working exclusively in the highly specialised area of data management and Business Energies billing services.

The team will:

  • Take care of the complexities associated with Budget Forecasting to ease your burden.
  • Relieve your workload by delivering valuable information for your business that can aid your financial planning.
  • Provide peace of mind that the experts are looking after this.
  • Help you deliver accurate reports to senior management.
  • Help you get the right energy tariff for your business, ensuring you pay the best price for your gas & electricity.
  • Provide a wide range of energy saving solutions to help reduce your gas, electricity and water consumption such as UI SmartDash.

Get in touch

Accurate budget forecasting is a business essential. Find out how we can help.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.