Staff Awareness Training

Staff Awareness Training

Would you like to reduce your energy consumption by as much as 10%? You can do it - if you get your staff involved.

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Train your employees in energy efficiency to start making savings

Most businesses could save 10% on their energy bills through either no or relatively low-cost measures. Reducing energy usage and expenditure by introducing energy management strategies to the workplace requires commitment and cooperation. For energy saving initiatives to reach their full effect businesses need to educate and train their teams.

For an organisation to successfully reduce costs, guidelines for the implementation of energy initiatives such as energy management and efficiency training, the development of aims and objectives should be set at board level before being cascaded to senior management and, in turn, communicated to the workforce.

How Business Energies can help

Business Energies has vast experience training teams in energy management, energy efficiency and advising on strategies when it comes to energy saving initiatives. We can visit your organisation to train staff on site or simply train your in-house trainer.

We also offer an online energy awareness training course and can provide booklets for your staff with tips on how to save energy and water in the workplace. Even small measures such as powering down computer equipment overnight or turning off lights when not in use can make a significant difference to an organisation’s energy bills. For any of these energy schemes to succeed all employees must be kept aware of the positive impact they are having on the business overall.

In order to support you with this, Business Energies can help you:

  • Assess your situation
  • Monitor usage
  • Set goals
  • Create communications
  • Measure and display results

Show your staff the difference they are making

t-mac specialise in monitoring and management systems for business energy and were acquired in April 2015 by Business Energies. SMART.DASH by t-mac is a responsive energy dashboard that enables you to view, compare and share energy data with staff making energy management understandable for everyone.

Why choose Business Energies?

  • Implementing energy saving measures is just the first step; our experienced team energy management training to educate and motivate your team to become more energy efficient.
  • Increasing your energy efficiency will help reduce your overall costs and we can relate reduction targets to your key business plans.
  • We offer value-added services so you can monitor the impact of changes made.
  • Being able to show how you’ve reduced your carbon footprint and lowered your consumption will enhance your Corporate Social Responsibility credentials.
  • By helping your employees understand how they can improve energy efficiency at work, they will learn how to cut their usage and costs at home too.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.