Embedded Energy Manager

Embedded Energy Manager

Our Embedded Energy Manager service provides you with qualified, experienced energy managers on a flexible basis to suit you.

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Embedded Energy Manager

The energy landscape is complex with a multitude of challenges for businesses to face. These include tackling rising commodity costs, managing non-commodity costs, reducing consumption and delivering compliance. These responsibilities typically lie with an energy manager to complete and their role is of paramount importance to any business. Their impact can be immediate in terms of cost savings and their vision imperative as part of a wider long-term company strategy.

The role of an energy manager has changed considerably. Traditionally their main responsibility was to procure utility contracts. However now, there is a requirement for much more. For maximum effect they need to fully integrate their utility proposition with the company’s core strategy. Their vision and goals need to include a variety of quick wins and long term objectives and their knowledge base needs to be vast. Not only are they procuring energy but they are managing it with new technologies. They are tackling sustainability issues and complying with legislation to meet deadlines. They are analysing consumption and proactively seeking improvements that can be implemented to the benefit of your business.

A successful energy manager actively sets targets and takes the lead with energy objectives incorporating the whole taskforce with their efficiency goals. They need to be an excellent communicator, to their team, to the company – right up to the board room – and to your customers. For many businesses however, they do not have this resource or the cost to employ someone in this role.

How Business Energies can help

Business Energies offers an Embedded Energy Manager service. It’s a unique offering hiring out expert energy managers to your business for an agreed period of time, with a frequency to suit you.
Acting as your in-house energy manager, they will integrate fully with your team to understand your company aims and objectives. They will focus on creating and developing your energy strategy as part of your wider business aims and identify opportunities to achieve them.
Either located at your site or working remotely they are able to cover any energy-related issue including:

  • Creating your energy strategy.
  • Delivering site energy awareness training.
  • Energy monitoring, reporting and analysis.
  • Attendance at company and/or external meetings.
  • Setting up a BMS with additional IoT technology.
  • Compliance management; ESOS, CCAs, DECs, EPCs, AC Inspections.
  • Accreditation support; ISO 50001 & ISO 14001.
  • Energy audits.

This flexible cost-effective solution ensures you have access to experienced energy professionals without the time and hassle associated with the recruitment process. According to payscale Human Capital the cost of an energy manager is an average £38,611 per annum. With our solution, you will receive all the benefits this role can bring to your business without the full-time salary.

Why choose Business Energies?

Our Embedded Energy Manager service provides you with qualified, experienced energy managers on a flexible basis to suit you:

  • They will integrate fully into your business to understand your needs and achieve your goals.
  • Their role is to create and help implement your energy strategy as part of a wider vision.
  • They can look at energy and water in its entirety identifying opportunities across your whole business from legislation to water, setting targets and creating projects to help achieve them.
  • Your Embedded Energy Manager will have access to a wider team at Business Energies and additional skill sets to benefit you.
  • They can help you avoid costly legislative penalties.
  • This is a flexible cost effective solution that could help you realise substantial savings.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.