ESOS compliance

ESOS compliance

Whether you're looking at Phase 1 or Phase 2 of ESOS, we're here to help you on your journey to compliance.

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What is ESOS and who needs to comply?

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory compliance scheme in the UK. It is the UK’s implementation of Article 8 of the EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive and introduces regular energy audits that will highlight energy savings for large organisations. These audits must cover 90% of your organisational energy and require sign-off from a qualified Lead Assessor.

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme occurs in four-yearly phases. It aims to reduce EU energy consumption by 20% by 2020. Routes to compliance include ESOS audits, Display Energy Certificates (DECs), Green Deal Assessments and ISO 50001.

Public bodies are not affected. Large organisations that must comply are classified as those with:

  • More than 250 employees or
  • A turnover of more than €50,000,000 and
  • An annual balance sheet total of more than €43,000,000

Why comply with ESOS?


The regulator – the Environment Agency (EA) – will have the authority to apply civil penalties against those mandated companies not participating in ESOS or found to be non-compliant with its requirements. In a worst case scenario, penalties could total £90,000.


With the right partner, initial compliance activities can be effectively the very first investment on the path to energy savings and cost reduction by implementing the energy efficiency measures identified.

Why choose Business Energies?

ESOS Phase 1

Join our ESOS amnesty

  • The Phase 1 compliance deadline passed in December 2015. Even so, many companies are still yet to comply.
  • If you qualify for ESOS and haven’t yet taken action, the EA will have been in touch with you.
  • So far we’ve identified almost half a billion kWh savings for our ESOS clients.
  • There’s nothing to lose – by contacting us today we can open a dialogue with the EA, showing your willingness to comply.
  • We pledge to contact the EA on your behalf within 48 hours and put you on the path to compliance.

Learn more about ESOS Phase 1

ESOS Phase 2

Start working towards ESOS 2 compliance now

  • The next deadline for Phase 2 of the ESOS compliance scheme is 5 December 2019.
  • Sign-up early and spread the cost of ESOS compliance.
  • To date we’ve helped over 280 clients on their ESOS journey with Phase 1 compliance.
  • So far we’ve identified:
      2,900 energy saving opportunities
      461,335,434 KWh that could be saved – equivalent to 2.5 million tonnes of CO2

Start ESOS Phase 2 now

ESOS help from Business Energies

5 reasons to choose Business Energies to help you with ESOS compliance:

  • Business Energies is the most flexible ESOS compliance provider in the UK.
  • Our experienced team thoroughly understand the requirements of the legislation.
  • We have qualified in-house ESOS Lead Assessors, who are members of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), the Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC) and the Energy Institute (EI).
  • Our ESOS service delivery team sit on government working groups with direct access to the Environment Agency and has close ties with BEIS (the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy).
  • We can help you implement any recommended opportunities from your ESOS compliance, so you can benefit from identified energy savings.

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It is a real pleasure to ask a question and be given a rapid and helpful response. It is difficult not to recommend Business Energies!

Tony Beddoe

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If you have any questions or would like us to get in touch, please contact the Business Energies team using the form below.