Air Conditioning Inspections

Air Conditioning (TM44) Inspections

Public or commercial building? You need an air conditioning inspection.

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Air Conditioning (AC) Inspections are a legal requirement under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

The aim of AC Inspections is to improve the energy efficiency of public and commercial buildings, and ultimately reduce carbon emissions. The inspections were introduced in 2009 and an accompanying Air Conditioning Inspection report will highlight areas where operational improvements can be made to air conditioning systems. Often the savings identified will cover the cost of the inspection.

All air conditioning systems with a combined cooling capacity greater than 12kW are required to have a valid Air Conditioning Inspection report and a certificate in place, with financial penalties present for non-compliance. Inspections for systems above 250kW have been compulsory since January 2009 and systems 12kW – 250kW since January 2011.

An inspection can only be undertaken by an accredited Energy Assessor and must be carried out at least once every five years.

Air Conditioning Inspections are often referred to as "TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections’ or a ‘TM44 Inspection". CIBSE TM44 is in fact the guidance used for all Air Conditioning (AC) Inspections conducted in the UK.

Produced by The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, (CIBSE), the TM44 guidance offers a detailed methodology for the delivery of AC Inspections, to wholly satisfy the requirements of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

As members of the AC Inspection Steering Committee, the Business Energies consultant team actually contributed to the development of the original TM44 methodology.

The first TM44 guidance was released in 2007 as TM44: 2007 and has since been revised to clarify queries and accommodate changes or improvements made since the introduction of the service. As such, a new edition of the TM44 guidance was published in 2012 as TM44: 2012.

The TM44 guidance covers all aspects of the AC Inspection service, including their purpose, the entire process and solutions to typical issues. All AC Inspections undertaken must follow the CIBSE TM44 guidance and this ensures a common and consistent approach is taken.

How Business Energies can help

Business Energies is a leading provider of services in energy and carbon management. We have unrivalled experience in delivering Air Conditioning Inspections and work with a variety of organisations to help ensure compliance with the EPBD and improve energy efficiency for both them and/or their customers.

We offer a comprehensive AC Inspection service in line with the TM44 methodology. An on-site inspection will be undertaken by an experienced and accredited Energy Assessor, who will then prepare an AC Inspection Report and Certificate.

The on-site inspection will typically include:

  • Documentation review.
  • Comparison of maintenance with industry good practice.
  • Inspection of system components, controls and settings.
  • Review potential for improvements/alternatives.

The aim of the inspection is to encourage improvements in energy efficiency.

  • The AC Inspection Report is written by an experienced building service engineer and provides a number of energy efficient recommendations.
  • There is almost always the identification of opportunities for ‘no cost’ and ‘low cost’ changes that can be implemented quickly and cheaply.
  • There are often opportunities to save large amounts of energy with equipment revision based on paybacks between 2 and 3 years.

The Business Energies Air Conditioning (AC) Inspection service will provide you with:

  1. A dedicated Project Manager.
  2. Energy assessment of your air conditioning system.
  3. Lodgement of your AC Inspection Report and certificate on the National Landmark register.
  4. Company compliance in accordance with the EPBD.

Why choose Business Energies ?

Business Energies were one of the first companies in the UK accredited to deliver AC inspections and we are able to utilise a large team of energy professionals to offer full assistance with this service.

Our expert team will:

  • Provide you with essential guidance and support to make your life simpler.
  • Ease the burden so you have more time to concentrate on your business.
  • Provide you with peace of mind and reassurance that your compliance is in safe hands.
  • Interpret the legislation for you to avoid confusion.
  • Keep you informed on legislative changes.
  • Provide you with accurate reports in a timely professional manner.
  • Help you to become more energy efficient.
  • Identify potential reductions in energy usage, operational costs and carbon emissions.
  • Increase your awareness of energy efficiency and the actions required to improve this across your business.

Get in touch

Talk to us about Air Conditioning Inspections today!

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