Water solutions for large businesses.

The commercial water market in England opens on April 1st 2017 and smart businesses are already preparing to make the most of the opportunity.

If you’re in a large business making sure that your water usage is under control is a great first step on your journey to savings and efficiency.

Water solutions for large businesses

At Business Energies we have a range of water services to help you take control of your water use and spend.

We will work with you to review and audit your current use, help you reduce any waste before you go to tender, making sure you’re only paying for what you need. And when it comes to commercial water procurement we can switch your business in under 3 weeks, saving you valuable time and money. It’s a no-hassle process and we will manage the entire switch on your behalf.

For one well-known high-street retailer with over 3,500 sites, 400 of which are in Scotland, we fully managed a switch to a new water supplier and delivered:

  • A new contract at a 19% discount
  • £145,000 saving per annum
  • Savings of over £55,000 from water efficiency

Our Business Water Solutions service - four steps to water management success.


We’ll investigate your current charges and highlight opportunities to reduce wastage and costs.


This will drill into the detail of your water usage and realise future savings, minimising wastage and improving water efficiency ahead of procurement.


Lower your bills and improve your service via a competitive tender.


We'll keep checking your bills, service and contracts, continually reviewing further opportunities to save money and improve your water efficiency.

At Business Energies we're helping thousands of businesses to get a great deal on their electricity and gas (and in Scotland their water too), and we’ve been doing this for over 10 years. Let us help you be smarter with your business water and energy today.

Call us on 020 3924 2910

Simply give us a call to find out more about how you can take control of your business water.

Let's talk.

You're already running a great business, but we could help you be even better.