Business Gas Electricity

Business Electricity and Gas

Switch & save with the UK's largest energy consultancy. Take control & reduce your energy consumption by up to 33% with Business Energies Insight SmartDash.

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Save on your business electricity and gas the safe and easy way

If you’re too time-poor to investigate switching your business gas and electricity supplier or resigned to staying on the same tariff, we can help you change with very little effort on your part.

Switching supplier is an opportunity for businesses to reduce costs by choosing a better contract, at an advantageous length of time, from a new business electricity or gas provider. It’s also a chance to manage your energy use more efficiently.

Despite these benefits, the complexities of switching can often be discouraging. We hear businesses put off by difficulties in comparing prices, confused by the bewildering range of tariffs, uncertain what to do about multiple meters and different contracts' end-dates, and irritated by uncooperative suppliers.

Find the commercial energy supplier that's right for you

Managing energy is an uncertain business but it doesn't have to be. Our experts will make it simple to control your commercial electricity and gas procurement.

With our Business Energies switching service, it's easy to switch energy supplier either online or by phone. Send us your electricity or gas bill and we’ll search multiple suppliers, compare the quotes and recommend three of the best. We can switch your business over to a new business electricity and gas supplier in as little as three minutes.

You don't have to be a business either. We've also helped churches, convents and charities like Shalom House to renegotiate gas and electricity deals, fixing contracts for several years so they're insulated from price rises.

Fix and update prices on your business electricity and gas

We also offer simple, hassle-free energy contracts for businesses that let you fix your gas and electricity prices, update your energy price or buy directly from the wholesale market.

Every business can benefit from a fixed energy deal where you gain business budget certainty by fixing a price over a fixed period of one to five years.

You can also choose a FixedFlex contract where you can ask for a fixed price if prices drop. A dedicated account manager will let you know when.

A flexible contract could suit your business if you spend more than £100,000 on electricity each year and want us to purchase it from the wholesale commodity market, while a portfolio deal suits smaller firms.

Business Energies Insight - mobile energy and water monitoring

Business Energies Insight takes complex data from half-hourly meters, sub-meters and other monitoring systems and makes it simple. Business Energies Insight helps you monitor your consumption so you can stop wasting energy and water and start making savings. Log in on your desktop or download the mobile app.

It's a powerful weapon in your fight to reduce your energy and water consumption.

Total control and more

Controlling your electricity and gas consumption is the surest way to save money and the ultimate way to do this is through our Business Energies Management Plan.

We'll ensure you’re on the right tariff and do a utility health check. Combined with an education programme to staff and the installation of correct controls, you’ll be able to see your business’s energy usage and do something about it.

By just getting your staff to help, you could reduce energy consumption by 33% and by taking control, a 20% reduction in utilities costs will equal a 5% increase in sales.

Get the ball rolling

Send our experts a message now and start saving on business electricity and business gas.